

Noel Theodosiou, Yogi Hendlin, Natasha Delliston and Malcolm Evans

Biosemiotics: Methodologically Evolving Applied Semiotics to Account for More Experiences, Deepen Relationships, and Transform Systems.

Noël is Principal & CEO of Luminous, a consultancy specialized in the life sciences. She and her team are dedicated to inspiring organizations with powerful new ways to develop and commercialize solutions that lead to better outcomes for patients, business, and society.

Yogi is an environmental philosopher and public health scientist with academic appointments in The Netherlands and San Francisco. The article “I am a fake loop: the effects of advertising-based artificial selection” won the 2019 Biosemiotics Achievement Award, propelling Yogi to serve as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Biosemiotics.

Natasha is a semiotician and brand consultant working with individuals, brands, and purpose-led organizations to land their big ideas. Her interest in biosemiotics has been driven by its application to the environmental, animal and disability charities she has worked with over the past decade.

Malcolm is an independent researcher and writer who played an important historical role in the development of applied semiotics and cultural insight for brands and organisations. His main interests are currently helping develop an applied version of biosemiotics and peace and reconciliation studies.