Consolidating a winning formula | Barcelona 2013
Gabriela and her young student team took the elements of Semiofest and added the Spanish flair Barcelona ‘cool’ factor to create a more artistic event. Semiofest in Barcelona was critical as it showed us that the event could be successfully replicated elsewhere.
The venue was the Anaglifos Art Factory and one of the ice breaker games got attendees to deconstruct signs that related to the history of the venue. It was located in a typical back street of the city and gave attendees a deeper sense of the spirit of Barcelona. We added a training component to the event as that was something that many semioticians were interested in. Lucia Laurent-Neva (Visual Signo) and Malex Salamanques (Space Doctors) ran a training module on Design Semiotics that was well appreciated. Professor Carlos Scolari (a leading communications theorist) gave a scintillating talk on Transmedia storytelling.
Some highlights from Semiofest Barcelona 2013
A short film with some testimonials and flavour of the atmosphere at the Anaglifos Art Factory – edited by the Barcelona organising team.
To find out what happened at Semiofest 2013 in more detail, you can read Chris’s blogpost on: