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    Date: 26th – 29th October 2022
    Venue: Centro Cultural Contemporaneo, Mexico City
    Topic: Resemiotization

    About the topic

    We invite you to explore the notion of repurposing meanings. ‘Resemiotization’ is a long and complex word that describes a natural and an artificial process.
    Resemiotization relates to how meanings shift from medium to medium, from practice to practice, from context to context and from one cultural space to the next. Resemiotization concerns how signs are translated from and into different mediums and cultural spaces as a continuous social and cultural mechanism.

    Repositioning, Revamping, Relaunching

    every product and service has a life cycle and brands need refreshing so as not to become obsolete – how semiotics helps leverage the right meanings?

    Multi-Modality, Transmedia, Inter-Mediality

    semioticians study not only visuals, but text, typography, moving image, sound, music and increasingly immersive digital worlds – how do these meanings change?

    Code Borrowing, Subversion, Appropriation

    companies and brands need to adapt ads, packs etc to changing environments in order to thrive.  This often requires refreshing a brand with fresh meanings out in culture.

    You can expect us to resemiotize the same convivial Semiofest spirit you’ll expect! We’ve a packed schedule of networking, cultural tourism and a vibrant social program planned, so expect great food, festivities as well as learning.

    October 26th-29th, 2022, Mexico D.F. Let’s come together in an atmosphere of fun to share, learn & create new meanings!