Ximena Tobi, Argentina.

“The Mamushka effect”.
Facebook fanpages as companies communication spaces.

Ximena Tobi, Argentina.

From the emergence of social media brand voice/s become individual. And at the same time persons access to communicational channels more than ever before, when only companies or institutions used to have access to media.

So, there is a symmetric relationship between brands and customers (prosumers in fact); a symmetrical enunciation, a “game” of singularities played by companies/institutions and their audiences.

In this context, I analyze Facebook fanpages, where meaning emerge from the crossing of three entities: prosumers, brand/company voice and Facebook itself as a platform working in a ‘second’ level, supporting brand-prosumers interaction, although it  full operates in meaning production through interface restrictions.

I like to call this phenomenon “The Mamushka effect”. This presentation examines a methodology to analyze Facebook fanpages as spaces/channels of institutional communication (brand/company-consumers). This methodology has been developed from the mixture of semiotics of media, discourse analysis and media ecology.

There also will be shown some a of the main outcomes of a case study —Facebook fanpages of radiostations in Buenos Aires – Argentina— to display the methodology in action.


MamushkaEffect-XimenaTobi by ximetobi