
Lucia Laurent-Neva

Co-Founder, Semiofest

Lucia is a semiotician, designer and anthropologist skilled in brand strategy, product and brand innovation. For almost 20 years, she has been helping British and global clients in a variety of sectors to understand and anticipate cultural changes across different continents. Lucia’s interest in the practical applications of cultural semiotics began while she was a lecturer at a Colombian university and evolved through senior roles at two London marketing-strategic consultancies. As the founder of Visual Signo and co-founder of Semiofest, she is committed in demonstrating the increasing relevance of semiotics in global brand strategy in commercial organizations.


Lucia Writes:

“I started my semiotics journey in 1996 when I took a three-year class on Semiotics while studying Graphic Design. The logical thinking, the practicality of theories discussed and the potential applications for my own design practice got me hooked to the field. After few years, I started teaching a class on Communication Theories to design students in Cartagena, Colombia which totally change my perspective on design cultures. The visual richness expressed by communities in the region ignited an inner urge to investigate cultural changes. After moving into anthropology, I started to explore further the idea of semiotics working as a bridge for linking my design and anthropology interests. Since then, I have been working in the intersection between these disciplines. Apart from the fun and laughter we get during Semiofest, I love that the conference connects us with great individuals from different paths of life and perspectives, providing opportunities to learn and enrich our own semiotic experience.”

Other members

Akvile Sataite

Communication, advertisement & marketing, Mexico

Alpana Parida

Alpana Parida – CEO – DY Works, Mumbai

Jeff Hecker

Principal – Athena Wisdom, Toronto

Luca Marchetti

Associate Research Professor, University of Quebec in Montreal